Welsh Mountain Ponies

Currently there are less than one thousand registered breeding mares left in Wales. The Welsh Mountain Pony – or Section A pony – is now classified as a rare breed. Its survival relies entirely on the dedicated breeders who belong to Hill Pony Improvement Societies, of which there are just a handful remaining.

The ponies have a long association with Wales. They are short and sturdy, well suited a a life amongst the rocks and crags of the Welsh mountains. Combined with an even but spirited temperament they have found service as riding and work horses over centuries.

While no longer needed as pit or draft ponies, they are needed once again for a job they are most suited to doing. They simply need to be kept out on the open hills, where they can wander in herds and graze the upland habitats. Tougher and less fussy eaters than sheep, the Welsh ponies are perfect for keeping the uplands in good condition and can graze all year round, being hardy enough to winter out on the hills.

CCW recently commissioned a report into the status of Welsh Mountain ponies in conservation grazing.

Conservation of the breed is led by the Welsh Pony and Cob Society

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