Planning Enforcement Charter and Government Policy Guidance

This charter should be read in association with Welsh Government Policy as set out in Planning Policy Wales and the national policy guidance in Section 14 and Section 14 Annexe of the Development Management Manual and Circular 24 /97 (Enforcing planning control: legislative provisions and procedural requirements), which will in due course be incorporated into Section 14 Annex ‘Enforcement Tools’.

The Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority enforcement controls are  discretionary powers to be used only when it is appropriate to do so, and any action should be in proportion to the seriousness of the breach of planning control.  Section 73A of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) specifically provides that planning permission may be granted to regularise development already carried out.  Government Policy Guidance makes it clear that enforcement action should not be taken simply to remedy the absence of planning permission in cases where development is otherwise acceptable on its planning merits.

For further information on the Planning Enforcement Charter and other Government Policy Guidance, click on one of the following links below;

Planning Policy Wales