Corporate goals and objectives for 2013-14

Theme 1: Managing Park Landscapes to maximise conservation and public benefits.

Through effective partnership, facilitation, practical action and the Planning function:
The Park’s historic environment & cultural heritage will be conserved, enhanced and promoted.
The National Park’s landscapes will benefit from broad-scale targeted and promoted conservation projects.

Theme 2: Conserving and enhancing biodiversity
Through effective partnership, facilitation, practical action and the Planning function:
· Biodiversity will be conserved and enhanced

Theme 3: Providing everyone with opportunities for outdoor access and recreation
Through effective partnership, facilitation, practical action and the Planning function:
· A sustainably managed range of access opportunities will be available and promoted

Theme 4: Raising awareness and understanding of the Park
Through effective partnership, facilitation, practical action and the Planning function:
· Visitors are welcomed and their expectations will be exceeded
· A sense of shared responsibility for both the National Park and Geopark will be promoted and developed.

Theme 5: Building and maintaining sustainable communities, towns and villages
Through effective partnership, facilitation, practical action and the Planning function:
· Sustainable living, social resilience, and community pride will be enabled

Theme 6: Sustainable Economic Development
Through effective partnership, facilitation, practical action and the Planning function:
· The use of sustainable transport by visitors will be encouraged and enhanced
· The sustainable economic impact of tourism will be improved to support local economic resilience