
The Ffridd zone is difficult to define in terms of a single vegetation community as its primary characteristic is of a collection of various habitats. It can perhaps be best described as the mosaic of fragmented and diverse habitats found at the interface of upland and lowland habitats. It is almost exclusively found on slopes, particularly those areas that cannot be effectively farmed due to steepness or the frequency of rock outcrops and scree. Ffridd may also develop on previous areas of conifer plantation which has yet to be re-planted.

It is a group of semi-natural habitats and can be noted for its dynamic nature as the Ffridd zone has a long history of changing cycles of management. Ffridd will often display successional stages in the development of woodland from grass/heathland habitats.

The boundaries of Ffridd are also very difficult to define and it will often grade gently into more clearly defined upland mosaics above and lowland pastures and woodland below.

The variety of vegetation, communities and structural features make this a habitat of high diversity. While not only capable of supporting numerous species, this ffridd zone has been identified as a habitat of high connectivity in that it can facilitate the movement of numerous species. This value should not be underestimated and the ffridd is a vital component of the landscape providing species with the ability to make vertical movements as they seek a more suitable future climate space.